Legal Council Blog

Views expressed in this blog belong to the respective author unless otherwise specified.

Unnecessary barriers to accessing HIV medication are prominent.

Paying the price of HIV

August 7, 2018

Chicago resident Jared Wile can no longer afford his $1,600/month HIV prevention medication. Up until a few months ago, Jared never had to pay any out-of-pocket costs. Instead, he used a copay coupon to cover the costs of the medicine PrEP, an HIV prevention medication that, when taken daily, is proven to be 90% effective in preventing HIV. But in May, Jared learned that he could no longer use the copay coupon for the medication.

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First Steps: Launching Our Lead Pilot

July 18, 2018

Legal Council for Health Justice, in partnership with Erikson Institute and the Early Intervention Training Program, held the first of two trainings for Early Intervention service coordinators and providers as part of the launch of our innovative pilot project “New Approaches to Childhood Lead-Poisoning: Expanding Access to Early Intervention Services.”

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DHS Public Charge

Defend & Protect Illinois Immigrant Families

July 17, 2018

The federal government is planning to force immigrant families to choose between receiving the critical benefits they need to live (healthcare, food, shelter) and any hope of obtaining long-term legal…

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Health Risks and Exposure To Violence

July 10, 2018

According to data “black Chicagoans…see higher rates of hypertension, obesity and death from heart disease than their white and Latino peers, which mirrors national trends.”

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Immigrant child health and border separations

July 6, 2018

Law professor Yael Cannon, director of the Medical-Legal Partnership at Georgetown Law’s Health Justice Alliance Law Clinic in D.C, reflects on how child health is being negatively impacted by border…

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Celebrating #LegalCouncilPride

June 28, 2018

This Pride Month, Legal Council for Health Justice had a blast participating in the Chicago Pride Parade!   We would like to thank not only the Chicago Spirit Brigade for…

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Guest Blog: Taking Pride in Who You Are

June 22, 2018

“I always knew I wanted to work in public interest law, but I came to Legal Council because I wanted a place where I could be myself. I wanted a place where I could interact with clients who were like me. Growing up in South Georgia, I didn’t always have that.” – Myron Grant, Legal Council Staff Attorney.

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ACA Under Attack

June 15, 2018

Illinois’ Attorney General Lisa Madigan has join a coalition of 16 Attorneys General that are opposing a lawsuit filed by Texas and several other states.

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Client Story: the Rodriguez Family

June 13, 2018

Rose and Miguel Rodriguez were a couple struggling to make ends meet, like many hardworking families in Illinois. Though they were both undocumented, Miguel had a steady job and was trying hard to provide a stable home for his three children: Felix, age 9, Mary, age 4, and Julio, age 2. Recovering from a stroke and struggling with language and memory issues, Rose was unable to work. Each child had a medical disability, but Rose and Miguel were doing their best to get their children the care they needed.

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