Health Justice for All

For more than 35 years, Legal Council for Health Justice has empowered individuals and communities, using the power of the law to secure dignity, opportunity, and well-being for all. Your support provides hope and stability for children and adults living with life-changing health conditions.

Give the gift of Health Justice

As we enter the season of giving, there's no better time to reflect on how we can make a lasting impact in our communities. This year, please consider supporting Legal Council on Giving Tuesday and throughout the year-end giving season. Your generosity can create a significant impact in the lives of those who need it most.

Coat Donations

Donating coats is a simple yet powerful way to support those in need, especially during colder months.

Are you following us on social media?

Stay informed and empowered by following Legal Council for Health Justice on social media! Join us as we advocate for health equity, amplify the voices of our communities, and share vital resources. Follow us to get updates on our initiatives, impactful stories, and ways you can get involved in the fight for health justice.

Join our Mailing List

Stay up-to-date with Legal Council for Health Justice. Join our email list by following the link below.

Meet Our Clients

This year, more than 2,500 clients and their families will receive life-changing and life-saving care from Legal Council. Get to know some of our clients by reading their stories.

What We Do

Legal Council for Health Justice builds its services on three pillars: individual legal representation, outreach and education, and impact advocacy.

Who We Serve

Legal Council for Health Justice serves many communities, including individuals living with HIV/AIDS, children and families with disabilities and chronic illness, older adults, and individuals who are homeless.

Our Staff

Legal Council is home to a diverse, passionate, and innovative team. Learn more about the great people within our agency.

Invest In The Fight

This work can't be done without you. Your investment in Legal Council allows thousands of Illinoisans with disabilities to receive life-changing health care and services.

Get In Touch

p: (312) 427-8990
f: (312) 427-8419