Legal Council Blog

Views expressed in this blog belong to the respective author unless otherwise specified.

Staff Spotlight: Caroline Creed

December 18, 2019

Staff Spotlight is a blog series featuring a member of Legal Council’s expert and ever-growing team. Today’s Spotlight features Caroline Creed, our new Homeless Advocacy Specialist.  What brought you to…

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open enrollment ends on December 15

You Have One Week Left to Get Affordable Health Coverage

December 9, 2019

Guest blog author: Marina Kurakin, Legal Advocate and Health Insurance Specialist Six years ago, the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or Obamacare) broadened access to medical care for millions of Americans. Over…

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HIV Prevention Treatment Isn’t ‘Political.’ It’s Life-Saving.

November 13, 2019

Preventing HIV transmission is deemed too ‘political’ for social media, according to a recent incident with Facebook and Instagram. Social media sites have been placed squarely in the news with…

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Client Focus: Robert

November 5, 2019

Robert was born and raised in the west side of Chicago but when his mother passed away, he lost his home.

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Staff Spotlight: Jessica Richardson

October 3, 2019

Staff Spotlight is a blog series featuring a member of Legal Council’s expert and ever-growing team. Today’s Spotlight features Jessica Richardson, our new Marketing and Development VISTA. 

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New Executive Order takes first step towards undoing harmful public charge rule

Legal Council Files Lawsuit Against Trump Administration

September 25, 2019

Legal Council joins Cook County in filing a lawsuit against the Trump Administration for its public charge rule threatening immigrant families.

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Number of Americans uninsured rises for first time in a decade

September 17, 2019

27.5 million Americans went without health insurance in 2018, the first increase in the uninsured rate in 10 years.

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Client Focus: Josiah

September 3, 2019

Josiah was a 6-year-old boy who was battling with anemia and other health problems that caused him to rely on tube feeding. Since moving from Chicago to the suburbs, his…

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Special education advances in Illinois

Parents of special ed students get more say in education decisions

August 27, 2019

Illinois parents may finally see progress in their children’s special education services.

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