For COVID-19 resources, please visit our blog.
Know-Your-Rights Resources
Illinois Department of Human Services: Know Your Rights
Chicago Public Schools: Reminders for CPS Families Regarding New Presidential Administration
ACLU Immigrants’ Rights: Police or ICE Are at My Home
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR)
- English: Know Your Rights When Interacting with Immigration Officers
- Spanish: Conozca Sus Derechos Si cree que es testigo de una actividad del ICE
- Family Support Network and Hotline
Immigrant Defense Project: Protecting Your Communities Against ICE
The Resurrection Project: Know Your Rights
We Have Rights (available in several languages): An empowerment campaign to prepare for and safely defend our rights during encounters with ICE.
Know-Your-Rights Webinars and Trainings
- English (February 7, 2025, 10:00 A.M.): Join us for an hour-long webinar where we will examine federal policies/priorities, understanding what rights immigrants have, preparing safety plans and sharing resources that will help immigrants and their families navigate this changing landscape. Register here.
- Spanish (7 de febrero de 2025, 1:30 P.M.): Únase a nosotros en un seminario web de una hora de duración en español, donde examinaremos las políticas y prioridades federales, comprenderemos qué derechos tienen los inmigrantes, prepararemos planes de seguridad y compartiremos recursos que ayudarán a los inmigrantes y sus familias a navegar este panorama cambiante. Registrese aqui.
Resources for Partner Agencies and Health Care Settings
- Health Care Providers and Immigration Enforcement: Know Your Rights, Know Your Patients' Rights
- Factsheet: Trump's Rescission of Protected Areas Policies Undermines Safety for All
- A Guide for Employers: What to Do if Immigration Comes to Your Workplace
- Fostering Resilience in our Immigrant Families & Communities: Strategies for Building Support Groups in the Face of Adversity
- Resilience and Community Care Toolkit
- Trauma-Informed Care for Unaccompanied Immigrant Youth: Alliance for Inclusion and Prevention (podcast available in multiple languages)
The information below is for the farmers and ranchers who applied for and received a one-time, lump-sum payment/award from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) under the USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP). DFAP was created to address the consequences of prior discrimination by USDA in USDA farm lending. This general information will help people who receive these USDA DFAP awards understand the potential impact of such money on Medicaid coverage.
- USDA Benefits FAQ (Illinois)
- USDA DFAP and Medicaid FAQ (Illinois)
- USDA DFAP and SNAP FAQ (Illinois)
HIV-related laws
- AIDS Confidentiality Act (410 ILCS 305)
- AIDS Confidentiality and Testing Regulations (77 Ill. Adm. Code 697)
- Illinois Criminal Transmission of HIV Act (updated)
- Illinois law on access to a person’s own medical records
- Illinois Sexually Transmissible Disease Control Act (410 ILCS 325)
- Perinatal HIV Prevention Act (410 ILCS 335)
Other Resources:
- Aegis
(AIDS Education Global Information System) - The Body
(online HIV/AIDS resource) - The AIDS and Law Exchange
(sharing knowledge on HIV/AIDS, the law and human rights) - Centers for Disease Control
- TPAN directory services for people with HIV
- AIDS Foundation of Chicago
(collaboration, coordination, funding and effective HIV/AIDS policy) - Center for HIV Law and Policy
(the National Legal Resource and Strategy Center for HIV Advocacy) - American Civil Liberties Union AIDS Project
(impact litigation, public education and advocacy) - Lambda Legal
Questions? Call us at 312-427-8990.
Resources for specific legal issues
Confidentiality and testing:
- AIDS Confidentiality Act (410 ILCS 305)
- AIDS Confidentiality and Testing Regulations (77 Ill. Adm. Code 697)
- General information on privacy of health information
- Information about HIPAA and medical privacy
Debt collection:
- Consumer Law information from
- Debtor Fact Sheet (Spanish)
- Illinois Fair Patient Billing Act
- Illinois Attorney General identity theft help
- Information on the Illinois Human Rights Act from
- Chart on where and how to file complaints of discrimination
- How to file a charge with the Illinois Department of Human Rights
- EEOC guide on food service workers and the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act from the EEOC
- EEOC guide on food service workers and the Americans with Disabilities Act
- How to file a charge with the Illinois Department of Human Rights
- Information and resources about the Family and Medical Leave Act
Future planning:
- Statement of Illinois Law on Advance Directives and DNR orders
- Life Planning information including will, powers of attorney, guardianship and stand-by guardianship from
- National Immigrant Justice Center
- USCIS Immigration Forms
- Immigrant Eligibility for Food Stamps
- Meaning of “Public Charge”
- Benefits for Illinois Immigrants
- Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- To file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Insurance
- Information on “Guaranteed Issue” life insurance from
Public benefits:
- Social Security Online
- Social Security “Listing of Impairments”
- Department of Human Services assistance and office locator
(hint: search for a “FamilyCommunityResourceCenter”) - “How to Get Food Stamps”
- Illinois AIDS Drug Assistance Program
- Social Security “Extra Help” Application
Young adults:
- "A Trauma Informed Approach to SSI and SSDI Advocacy," authored by Legal Council's Lisa Parsons and former Legal Council intern Carly Loughran.
- "Trauma-informed advocacy: Practical advice for working with vulnerable populations" (1hr25min) from the 2017 Illinois Legal Advocates Conference featuring our attorneys Lisa Parsons. Sarah Hess, and Amanda Walsh. Members of the team are available for training in best practices and integrating trauma-informed legal care into health and human service settings.