Client Focus: Marquis
When Marquis was first introduced to Legal Council, he was in the 6th grade and reading at a Kindergarten level. He spent most of his time wandering the halls and getting into fights, and was frequently sent home early by the school.
After connecting to our advocates, we learned that Marquis had spent most of the previous six years in the school office. Sometimes teachers sent him out of the classroom for being disruptive and sometimes he walked out on his own, too frustrated to remain in an environment where he could not be successful. When we connected with the school to implement better support for Marquis, it became clear to Marquis’ mother, our partner organization Under the Rainbow, and to our advocates that he needed to attend a different school that would help him learn and grow. To better meet his educational needs, Legal Council helped Marquis enroll in a therapeutic school where his educational needs can be met. Now, Marquis wakes up every morning excited to learn.
Read more about Marquis from his therapist at Under the Rainbow:
“Marquis has started going into school in-person three days a week. As reported by [his mother], he is getting up on time and excited to go to school. He comes home each day talking about the different friends he is making. He is happy and surprised that he does not even have to ask for help, the teachers automatically ask him for help. He is turning in his work daily and he is doing great over e-learning and managing the responsibilities. She said that he comes home daily with a different story about someone and calls her every day from the bus on the way home. She said he is always happy and is excited for school.
I just want to give Legal Council the biggest THANK YOU! I almost cried hearing her talk about how much [Marquis] has changed due to the school environment being a supportive and helpful place for him. This would not have happened without your wonderful care and attention. I am so thankful to have you as resources and know your work matters greatly! And not just in that way that obviously it is good work, but right now it made a very big difference in this boy’s life and likely, will keep him out of the legal system for the foreseeable future. It seems like they are also helping him get more confident and learning how to read better, so he’s not just surviving, he might be very well able to thrive!”