Client Focus: Lee’s Fight to Secure School Supports

Lee* was connected to Legal Council in an effort to obtain special education services for her 12-year-old son with ADHD, David*. A single mother to multiple children with disabilities, Lee is no stranger to fighting for the supports her children need and is an exemplary advocate. However, although Lee had requested evaluation, accommodation, and support for David through his school on multiple occasions, her requests went unanswered. At the time, David was in remote learning full-time, and Lee was worried that he wouldn’t pass his core classes. Lee’s goal was to have David evaluated by his school for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), which would provide him with specific accommodations and support for his ADHD.

Legal Council’s Sarah Hess (she/her), Senior Staff Attorney, worked diligently alongside Lee to advise her on resources that would better support not only David, but his other siblings with disabilities as well. Sarah informed Lee of her legal rights in requesting an IEP evaluation and the two collaborated on formal, written requests to the school to have David evaluated.

Through their collaborative advocacy, Lee obtained an IEP evaluation for David, resulting in types of support they previously went without.  

* Names have been changed to protect client confidentiality.