COVID-19 and HIV: Important Changes to Ryan White

COVID-19 has changed access to resources for communities across Illinois, including those living with HIV. It’s imperative that people living with HIV continue to get the treatment, care, and support they need to thrive, now more than ever. 

In response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, Ryan White funds for people with HIV have implemented the following changes and resources to help during the crisis:

Download Factsheet—COVID-19: Important Changes to Ryan White

Please note: while the ADAP IDPH hotline is down, you can email questions to: [email protected]

ADAP Application and Eligibility:

  • If you are currently receiving medication or premium assistance (ADAP), your eligibility will be automatically extended for 4 months.
  • IDPH is still processing assessments for Medication and Premium assistance. You can apply or check on the status of your application here:
  • IDPH is now accepting viral load results taken within 9 months (instead of 6) and MAP/PAP assessments expiring at the end of March are extended for 60 days.


  • Ryan White Part B funds can help with telehealth costs related to status. Talk with your case-manager or AFC.

Rental and Utility Assistance: 

  • For emergency rental and utility bill assistance, help paying medical bills, or if you need a Ryan White case-manager, contact AFC at 312-690-8860 or
  • COVID-19 emergency rental assistance (up to $1,500 available until February 28, 2021):
    • Eligibility for rental assistance:
      • Must live in Cook, DeKalb, Grundy, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, McHenry, or Will County
      • Experience of a COVID-19 related financial crisis
      • HIV diagnosis and/or current utilization of PREP

For additional information, visit the HIV Resource Coordination Hub (844-482-4040).

Legal Council will continue to monitor changes and provide updates related to COVID-19 and Ryan White resources. If you have questions about your Ryan White benefits, eligibility, or application, please contact Marina Kurakin ([email protected]), or call the HIV intake line at 312-427-8990.