Supporter Spotlight: Ed Jeske and John Hern

Since 1997, Legal Council for Health Justice has participated in the AIDS Foundation of Chicago’s AIDS Run & Walk, an annual event that increases awareness of HIV/AIDS and raises critical funds for organizations providing programs and services for those living with and at-risk for HIV. The event has raised over $6 million since its inception.

John Hern (he/his) and Ed Jeske (he/his), longtime friends of Legal Council, have been staples of our AIDS Run & Walk team—the Legal Beagles—since 2002. Each year, John and Ed raise thousands of dollars to enable people living with or at-risk of HIV to live their fullest, happiest, healthiest lives.

A quilt John and Ed made for their dear friend Dennis Ickes, who passed away from AIDS in 1987.

As part of our Supporter Spotlight series, we sat down with John and Ed and asked them more about their participation in the AIDS Run & Walk and why they continue to partner with Legal Council.

John and Ed, this will be your 22nd year participating in the AIDS Run & Walk. What a milestone! What is it about the event that keeps you coming back year after year?

We first participated in the AIDS Run & Walk in 2002. AIDS took a heavy toll on our generation. Many dear friends with whom together we planned to grow old, succumbed to AIDS, lives cut short too young, and we’ve had to grow old without them. Their memories keep us going.

Sadly, that’s a story we have heard too often; over 750,000 people have died from HIV/AIDS in the United States since the beginning of the epidemic in the early 1980s. But, there are things to be hopeful about.  Over the years, we have seen a decrease in stigma around HIV/AIDS, and there have been numerous advances in medicine. Why does the mission of the Run & Walk continue to be relevant to you today?
John and Ed at the 2008 Run & Walk.

Decreasing the stigma of HIV/AIDS is not enough; eliminating that stigma and the discrimination it engenders is the goal. Medical advances have allowed those with AIDS to live “normal” lives, and we are so thankful that our friends living with AIDS are still here with us. Being a part of the AIDS Walk gives us a role, albeit a tiny one, in defeating the disease. The memory of our friends who died motivates us. No one else should die like that!

We’re so glad that you continue to participate with Legal Council in the memory of your friends – thank you for coming back year after year. This year, the theme of the AIDS Run & Walk is “Show Up, Show Out.” The AIDS Foundation of Chicago describes the theme as a push for all of us to be there for one another, and to live as our authentic selves. What does “Show Up, Show Out” mean to you? 

“Show Up, Show Out” is a challenge.  Although threatened, gay rights are now a reality, and we, a married couple, are proud to be able to do whatever we can to help others in need. Fortunately, having grown old untouched physically by AIDS, the least we can do is support Legal Council in their mission.

John and Ed at Legal Council’s booth for the 2016 Run & Walk.
You are both incredibly effective fundraisers, bringing in thousands of dollars to support our team, the Legal Beagles, and Legal Council’s HIV work each year. What’s your secret to encouraging people to participate and donate? 

In those first few years we each raised about $1,000, but then decided to up the ante.  To do so we knew we had to increase our potential donor pool. Boy, were we surprised by the response we received from our friends, family and even some neighborhood businesses.  We now have about seventy donors.  A friendly personalized email, phone call or visit is all it took.  Even friends we hadn’t seen in years came through. 

Why do you give your personal time and money to Legal Council? How do you feel your contributions have made a difference?  

We benefit too!  A “thank you” phone call helped to bring us together with friends, to renew old friendships and make new ones; a very positive and personally rewarding result.

Today, 22 years after participating in the AIDS Run & Walk for the first time, John and Ed are now retired. Ed spends his time doing word puzzles, reading, and is currently seeking donations for the Run/Walk; John now paints people, dog and cat portraits, and is currently building up his walking stamina. Join John, Ed, and Legal Council’s Legal Beagles at the annual AIDS Run & Walk on Saturday, September 28. You can join our team or donate here.