Thanking Our Outgoing Board Members

At Legal Council, our bylaws allow for Board members to serve up to four consecutive two-year terms before rolling off our Board of Directors.

This month, we want to say a huge thank-you to four of our departing Board members, who have done so much to champion our work: Braden Berkey, Bryce Cooper, Brian Fliflet, and Swarup Mehta.

Braden Berkey, Psy.D.

Braden Berkey (he/him) is an Associate Professor in the Clinical Psychology department at The Chicago School. Braden has been a longtime supporter of our work and championed our initiatives to expand trauma-informed care and support of clients.

We asked Braden what kept him so connected to Legal Council during his eight years as a Board member, and he said:

“I have been involved with a number of NPO’s over the past 30 years, and LCHJ is truly exemplary. The impact staff have on clients’ lives, and systems impacting healthcare, is phenomenal. The phrase ‘small but mighty’ rings true. I have been honored to contribute to this work, and very proud to be associated with LCHJ.”


Bryce Cooper, Esq.

Bryce Cooper (he/him) is a Partner at Winston & Strawn LLP. Bryce has served as Board President for two years and chaired the hiring committee for our Executive Director search.

When we asked him what his time on the Board has meant, Bryce said:

“Legal Council’s life-changing and life-saving advocacy on behalf of countless individuals over more than 30 years is a testament to the passion and commitment of the people who have led and worked at the organization. I’m incredibly proud to have served on the Board for the last nine years and to help support its vital mission.”


Brian Fliflet, Esq.

Brian Fliflet (he/him) is the Deputy General Council at the Illinois Department of Revenue. As part of his exemplary Board service, Brian has been the Board representative on the staff’s Diversity & Equity Taskforce, where he championed inclusivity and staff initiatives:

“It has been an absolute joy and privilege to serve on the Board of Directors these past eight years, particularly my involvement with the D&E Task Force,” Brian said. “Not only did this enable me to bring a Board perspective and help coordinate efforts to make diversity, equity and inclusion part of the culture of the agency, but it provided opportunities to become acquainted with the tremendous staff performing the agency’s day-to-day mission. I am proud to have played a part in this important work.”

As a parting gift, Brian surprised all members of the taskforce with these incredible INCLUSION shirts at his last Diversity & Equity Taskforce meeting!

Left to right: Meghan Carter (she/her), Kenya Garrett-Burnett (she/her), Emily Decker (she/her), Debbie Nall (she/her) and Amy Marinacci (she/her), members of our Diversity & Equity Taskforce.

Swarup Mehta, Pharm.D.

Swarup Mehta (he/him) is the Principal Medical Scientist, HIV Treatment at Gilead Sciences. During Swarup’s time on the Board, he has been active in connecting Legal Council with pharmaceutical partners and has done so much to expand awareness of the work that we do to meet the legal needs of members of the HIV+ community.

Swarup said “Serving on the board of Legal Council has been an immense honor and privilege. The programs and legal aid they provide are so vital for children & families, those experiencing homelessness, and people with HIV. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such a vital cause, advocating for health equity and I will continue to support their mission and their work.”

We are so grateful for Braden, Bryce, Brian, and Swarup and their dedication to Legal Council’s work and mission. Interested in joining our Board of Directors and contributing to the work we do every day? Email Liesl Pereira, Senior Director of Development.