365 Days of Purpose: Reflecting on One Year of Leadership

As I approach my one-year anniversary as Executive Director of Legal Council for Health Justice, it seems natural to reflect on the incredible work we’ve accomplished together. This past year has been both humbling and inspiring, and I am grateful for the incredible teamwork of our staff, the support and guidance of our dedicated board, and the trust and partnership of our clients and community partners.

Julie and Kate Miller at the Race Judicata in August.

During my first few weeks at Legal Council, I met with staff members, board members, philanthropic leaders, community partners and clients. From many conversations over many cups of coffee, I listened to concerns and learned about priorities.  With input from many of my colleagues. I extracted three big picture goals to guide my first year. These three goals were simple but critical:

One: To continue to support our staff in providing expert legal services to clients and communities facing chronic health conditions.
Two: To strengthen our internal systems and financial operations for long-term organizational sustainability.
Three: To ensure that all of our work—both internally and in the broader community—reflects and deepens our organization’s commitment to advancing health justice and racial equity.

We’ve made real progress in each of these areas. Our staff’s dedication to serving more than 1,500 clients, often in the face of overwhelming challenges, has been nothing short of remarkable. Our systemic advocacy wins have helped thousands secure and retain essential health benefits. And even as we have continued to provide these services, we have taken time to ask important questions and to challenge ourselves: Do our three distinct practice groups serve an essential purpose, or are they more a product of the 2014 merger of two distinct organizations—AIDS Legal Council of Chicago and Health & Disability Advocates?  Is there a way we can cross-pollinate our program areas so that staff in each distinct group can more easily learn from, support, and share with one another? I am grateful to our senior legal staff who have brainstormed and strategized for many hours and have designed a new model for “de-siloed” client programs and services. We all look forward to testing, tweaking, and continually improving this new model during this new fiscal year.

Julie and Legal Council staff at the Chicago Bulls Game for BMO Pride Night.

Our goal of shoring up our internal operations has been a great success. We welcomed our first Finance Director this summer, and his expertise allows us to bring in-house many skills we previously had to seek from outside consultants. Our financial foundation is as strong as our commitment to the communities we serve. And, with input and guidance from our client communities, we are deepening our work in areas like HIV and aging, addressing trans health needs, and exploring ways to meet the behavioral health needs of both children and adults.

Julie and our event host, Derry Queen, at the 2024 Summer Soirée.

Finally, Legal Council has engaged in a range of learning opportunities–exploring implicit bias, applying a racial justice lens towards case acceptance and case handling, and expanding our understanding of trauma-informed care. We commit to ongoing learning in order to serve our clients and to support each other in the essential work we do every day. Our Board, too, has welcomed five new members with different professional backgrounds and personal stories, bringing a range of new energy and perspectives to the important job of organizational governance.

As I reflect on this transformative year at Legal Council, I am filled with gratitude and optimism for what lies ahead. The collective commitment of our staff, board, and community partners has not only driven our progress but has also reinforced our mission of advancing health justice and racial equity. Together, we’ve navigated challenges, celebrated victories, and laid the groundwork for a more inclusive and sustainable future. As we embark on the next chapter, I am excited to continue this journey alongside such passionate advocates. Let’s carry forward the momentum we’ve built, staying focused on our goals while remaining open to innovation and collaboration. Thank you for being an integral part of our mission; your dedication inspires us every day. Here’s to another year of meaningful impact and shared success!